Reference List and Credits
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Beach House and illustrated by Aardema, John, (2009). There was an Old Auntie. Kaneohe, Beach House Publishing, LLC.
Ditzel, Resi, illustrated by Lum, Lynn (1992). My Home. Honolulu, Bess Press.
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EBSCO Host, Art & Architecture Complete (Accessed March 10, 2020).
Facebook, Historic Hawai'i Foundation (Accessed March 10, 2020).
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Instagram, DOCOMOMO Hawaii (Accessed March 10, 2020).
Jowitt, Glenn and Shaw, Peter (1999). Pacific Island Style. New York, New York, Thames and Hudson.
Kanahele, Pua Kanaka’ole, Iopa, Robert K., Kanekuni Daniel, illustrator, Chock, Reuben, illustrator, Ka’aihue. Malia editor, WCIT Architecture (2013). ‘A’ama Nui: Ke Koa Nui O Lalakea. Honolulu, Mo’o Studio.
The Liljestrand Foundation website (Accessed March 9, 2020).
Lockwood, David ; Da Silva, Julia Teles ; Olsen, Søren ; Robertson, Ian ; Tran, Tuan (2015). Design and Prototyping of a FRCC Modular and Climate Responsive Affordable Housing System for Under Served People in the Pacific Island Nations. Journal of Building Engineering, December 2015, Vol.4, pp.268-282.
Mcneill, Karen (2007). Julia Morgan: Gender, Architecture, and Professional Style. Pacific Historical Review, May 2007, Vol.76(2), pp.229-268.
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ProQuest, Design & Applied Art Index (Accessed March 10, 2020).
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Sherry, Vincent (2016). The Cambridge History of Modernism. Cambridge, United Kingdom, Cambridge University Press.
Taylor, Jennifer and Connor, James (2014). Architecture in the South Pacific: The Ocean of Islands. Honolulu, UH Press.
ThinkTech Hawaii website (Accessed March 9, 2020).
Twitter, ThinkTech Hawaii (Accessed March 10, 2020).
University of Hawai'i Hamilton Library, OneSearch,
University of Hawai'i Hamilton Library, Hawaiian Pacific Collection.
University of Manoa, School of Architecture website (Accessed March 9, 2020).
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Wong Audiovisual Center, (2011). The Hawaii State Capitol: A Symbol of Our Past and Future. University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii. Created by Hawaii Public Television for Hawaii Governor's Office of Information.
Wong Audiovisual Center, University of Hawaii at Manoa, (2012). Arata Isozaki: Architecture, 1960-1990. Created by Isozaki, Arata and Koll, Juri. Art/World Productions. TMM Media Group.