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Journals and Articles


Julia Morgan: Gender, Architecture, and Professional Style


Karen Mcneil's article from the Pacific Historical review gives a biography of Honolulu YWCA's architect, Julia Morgan. She was one of the few celebrated woman architects to rise to prominence in a male dominated field.


Mcneill, Karen (2007). Julia Morgan: Gender, Architecture, and Professional Style. Pacific Historical Review, May 2007, Vol.76(2), pp.229-268.




Kitsch, Tourist Art, and the Little Grass Shack in Hawai'i


O'Connor's article from the Home Cultures Journal discusses the idea of "a little grass shack" as an object of kitsch that misleads the tourist. This journal article defies "tourist kitsch" as a construct that undermines the political notion of Hawaiian sovereignty. Dissecting false cultural perceptions created by the Hawaiian economy, this essay is a critical analysis of tourism using subjects like ethnohistory and material culture.


O'connor, Kaori (2006). Kitsch, Tourist Art, and the Little Grass Shack in Hawai'i, Home Cultures: the Journal of Architecture, Design and Domestic Space. November 2006, Vol.3(3), pp.251-271.



Design and Prototyping of a FRCC Modular and Climate Responsive Affordable Housing System for Under Served People in the Pacific Island Nations


Rockwood and his team address the cultural and environmental factors of building and designing housing for the people living near the sea in the Pacific islands. Architects and engineers collaborate on modular housing to accommodate the rising sea level and thwart the threat of hurricanes in the Pacific.


Lockwood, David ; Da Silva, Julia Teles ; Olsen, Søren ; Robertson, Ian ; Tran, Tuan (2015). Design and Prototyping of a FRCC Modular and Climate Responsive Affordable Housing System for Under Served People in the Pacific Island Nations. Journal of Building Engineering, December 2015, Vol.4, pp.268-282.



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